So when you arrive in Bali contact us for this service.
Many people who are about to visit Bali mentally prepare themselves and imagine what the holiday experience will be like before they arrive. Bali has developed a reputation and in particular one is and one type of service has created a great deal of interest. Let’s talk about what is commonly known as “Massage With Happy Ending Kuta Bali” and find out what all the interest is about.
Where is Kuta?
Kuta is one of the most popular tourist areas in Bali. Is was extremely popular in the late 90s and early 2000s and was the main tourist area. In the last 10 or so years it has become associately with tourists on a very tight budget who want get completely drunk and get a bit crazy. It is also very popular with strudents who have just finished the final year of college and in general tourists aged in their 20s are frequently found in Kuta. It is a bit trashy but does have a fun party energy about it, Definately not the type of place you want to goto for a quiet holiday or to see the spiritual site of Bali. Kuta is jam packed with clubs, bars, resturants and cafes for peolpe who want to have fun but are on a budget.
What is a Massage with a Happy Ending?
We let’s assume you already know what a massage is. Yes, they are very relaxing and are great for both the mind and body but what about the happy ending part. This is also something that is very natural, relaxing and once again beneficial to both the body and mind. It is when the therapist stimulates and massages your genitals and the objective is to achieve a climax or orgamismic state. It has been practised around the world for thousands of years and you to can experience these deeply sensual experience in Kuta or even another location in Bali with our service.
What can you expect from Massage With Happy Ending Kuta?
So there are many parlours and establishments in Bali providing this service but the truth is more too often than not, the service is bad or straight out aweful. First you will most have to negotiate with one creepy looking guy or several people, this is off putting and yes you are being ripped of. Then their is the establshment providing the service. Most likely located in a dark and dingy backroad or alleyway. Finally the therapist, well lets be polite and call them a therapist. They look like they are not enjoying the experience but are almost forced into these type of work. They may not even speak Enligh and you get that awful feeling most of the money you are parting with for this service is not going to this poor person. You would be correct, the creepy guy has taken most of the money. So there must be a better way. There is.
Where is the best place to organise this sensual massage?
Our service is very professional and is a door to door service. The therapist will visit you in your hotel or villa, of course very discreet. The service first and foremost will be deeply relaxing, you meet the therapist, you pay the therapist and it is most definitely private and confidential. Best of all it is in the comfort of your own hotel or villa. You will get a quality full body massage. The very last place to be touched is your genital area. Yes, they will tease you and it will be worth it. Finally, you will achieve a powerful climax and the service will be a memorably and pleasurable experience. This service is between you and the therapist.
This service is for both men and women
Finally, this is not just a service for men. It is for both men women and even couples to enjoy. It is a healthy and natural experience. When in Rome eat a pizza and when in Bali let one of our therapists get to work on you and give you a treat. Women can try our yoni massage.